Heat Recovery Ventilation
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Heat Recovery Ventilation

Heat Recovery Ventilation

Heat Recovery Ventilation is a must-have for most modern homes today, not only due to the importance of healthy indoor air quality but due to the savings the systems can make on your energy bills.

We create an impact on your energy bills AND your carbon emissions

EcoHeating uses Vent-Axia, one of the leading MVHR (mechanical ventilation with heat recovery) brands to balance hot and cold air circulation between different parts of the home. Impressively, the heat exchange system recovers as much as 90% of the hot air that leaves your home. This can have a significant impact on your energy bills while also reducing carbon emissions in alignment with building regulations.

Bad indoor air quality comes with associated health risks

MVHR is also fast becoming the leading ventilation system based on its effects on indoor air quality. As more and more scientific research reveals the impact of poor indoor air quality and the associated health risks, one study led by Professor Hazim Awbi titled “The Future of Indoor Air Quality in UK Homes and its Impact on Health recommended MVHR as the “most cost-effective solution for achieving an energy efficient air exchange rate and a healthy environment for building occupants.”

Phone us today to find out more about Heat Recovery Ventilation systems and how we can help you achieve the optimal healthy solution for your home.